Collegiate Staff Reference Form

This is a reference form for Collegiate Staff at Weir Baptist Camp.

Once completed this will be submitted to the Collegiate Staff Development Team

to review. Thank you for your participation in being a reference!

To Whom it May Concern,

The person whose name is given to the attached questionnaire is seeking to serve as a collegiate staff member at Weir Baptist Camp for Summer 2025.

We are grateful for your assistance in helping us to evaluate this applicant’s potential for service. Please fill out the attached form with your name and address and include your signature and the date at the end of the form.

Since it is our purpose to secure an understanding of the applicant’s character and capacity for service, please be completely candid in your evaluation.  Feel free to offer pertinent facts and judgments not covered by the questions and to exceed space limitations wherever you think necessary.  Please include both favorable and/or unfavorable comments that will enable us to determine the applicant’s qualifications for Christian service. To assist you in your evaluation, a ministry description for the applicant is attached.

Your early return of this reference will greatly facilitate our efforts to meet application deadlines. 

Should you have any questions, please call Garrett Newman at (620) 448-1664


Garrett Newman
Camp Manager

Weir Baptist Camp


In the next section, we will provide a series of categories of personality traits and you will respond by choosing the word that best applies to the applicant. The drop box will have multiple options for answers. If none apply than mark Other. There will be an comment box at the end to put any other comments.

Personal Relationships

Working with Others

Spiritual Maturity


Thank you for your willingness to be a reference and filling out this form. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything on the referral form. Our phone number is (620) 448-1664

Weir Baptist Camp is a DBA under BAPTIST AREA OFFICE INC.